You cannot consciously stop science in its creativity. It has the dynamics of unstoppable momentum. It has become a passion of a human being, who is a creature with a high forehead.
The Faculty of Philosophy and History is one of the oldest Faculties at the University of Lodz. The Faculty performs research, among others, for the Urban Forms foundation or Virako, one of the main developers in Lodz. Its employees take up joint initiatives with the institutions of culture, such as the Museum of Art, Central Museum of Textiles and Museum of Film in Lodz, chairperson of the Center of Social Innovations of the University of Lodz and they support development of social entrepreneurship of the future graduates.
The high quality of the research and educational services provided at the Faculty is confirmed by scientific category A awarded by the Polish Accreditation Committee.
The Faculty authorities are: Dean – prof. dr hab. Maciej Kokoszko and Vice-Deans:
- dr hab. Anna Marciniak-Kajzer, prof. UŁ,
- dr hab. Marek Gensler, prof. UŁ,
- dr hab. Aneta Pawłowska, prof. UŁ,
- dr Andrzej Kompa.
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Every year we adjust our offer of full-time studies, non-degree postgraduate courses and doctoral schools to the needs of the candidates. We cooperate closely with business, non-governmental organisations and scientific experts. We want the knowledge we provide to find use in the face of challenges that societies are currently facing.
One should question everything one can question, for this is the only way one can discover the unquestionable.